A pair of glasses in front of the monitor

As your company grows larger, IT resource management – known also simply as IT management – becomes a necessity. A vast scope of gathered data is especially valuable for administrators, but – besides – it also benefits management department due to transparency and comprehension of presented information.

A key to successful IT infrastructure management is to choose appropriate tools. A simple program to perform software and hardware inventory may not need with your expectations – nowadays, networks become vastly complicated, and the usage of IT resources in everyday work scope might be measured even up to 100%. Each department which needs to use computers must undergo hardware, software and license inventory procedure. Regular IT audit also is considered to be a routine procedure. Besides, it is also important to monitor Internet and computer usage, ensure the security of IT infrastructure as well as manage IT incidents and provide the end-users with remote helpdesk to support their everyday work.

Choosing IT management system – what to pay attention to?

IT administrators who struggle every day to keep the whole IT infrastructure working could find it vastly troublesome to perform successfully without a well-rounded IT management tool. Such a system needs to provide him with automation of certain processes, be in accordance to the current law and employee rights and be coherent and simple to work with.

Hardware inventory

An IT network is not only workstations and laptops – it also includes routers, switches, phones and computer components. It is crucial to pay attention to what kind of details you may gather while conducting an inventory with the usage of your IT resource management system.

Inwentaryzacja sprzętu komputerowego

Software management

License manager is another component which ought to be a part of your company’s network management system. This kind of tool should detect all the licenses automatically – no matter if commercial or not. Because of that, it also ought to be equipped with a recognition pattern database which updates automatically. Besides, an appropriately – designed software manager should monitor the changes of licenses’ status on a current basis – in accordance to their type, date of expiry and producer.

Zarządzanie oprogramowaniem w Firmie

Software license audit

A software license audit is a part of IT audit which can be performed autonomously. While choosing a software to manage IT infrastructure it is worth to check if such a program possesses functions allowing to conduct an internal software legality control concerning suites, programs and applications. It is also important to an IT administrator to ensure that the changes within installed software are under constant control and that an unauthorized software installation is detected.

Audyt Legalności oprogramowania w statlook

Internet and computer usage control

Computer and users monitoring is also an important part of network management software. A key component of such a program is to have a register of users’ login sessions, as well as launched applications, visited websites, installed software and opened files or multimedia. It also should include data access management and blocking undesired websites and applications. What is important – each function should be designed to be in accordance with the current law that a company should bide to.

Monitoring komputerów w firmie

USB memory drives and printer monitoring

Another element which should be paid attention to is a possibility of monitoring the operations on external memory drives and printer control – including web and virtual printers. It is important for such a program to block the rights to save and read from USB devices and allowing to authorize their usage.

Monitorowanie USB


IT infrastructure management also demands providing service to IT-related incidents. A properly-designed helpdesk system should include a possibility of receiving notifications from end-users automatically and ascribing tickets to workers responsible for solving such an issue. Both a user and an administrator should be provided with an option of adding a comment, attachments and printscreens to a person responsible for IT service. A central knowledge base is also important to have – as you can follow incident history and see how to solve similar issues.

system helpdeskowy

Remote help

An immediate help to end-users through a remote connection is a key component for every IT management system. A good software should consist of an option to connect to a user’s dekstop remotely and perform operations on his files and catalogues. It is important for an IT administrator to preview several desktop simultaneously.

Zdalna pomoc i przejmowanie pulpitu

Benefits of implementing IT resource management system

Implementing one, many-faced system to manage an IT infrastructure may result – first and foremostly - in cutting time expenditure. All the knowledge about the network is visible through one intuitive application. A management console allows you to perform a necessary action immediately – without a need to communicate from one place to another or changing a program to launch certain option. Moreover, one system means lesser money spending – instead of buying plenty of programs which functionalities are often not adaptable you can buy a well-rounded one which suits your needs.

Statlook makes IT administration more efficient and coherent.

Statlook is a professional solution to manage both IT infrastructure and workers’ performance. With controlling your employees’ worktime activity and working hours registry makes it easier to perform human resource management tasks and enhance your company’s overall performance. Statlook equals a full range of knowledge about the activities done on computers that are connected to the company’s network.

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