Statlook supports thousands of organizations in Poland and we wish to do the same in other countries.
We offer FREE licencesfor Education and all teaching/training organizations.
Let’s build the future of your IT Specialists and Managers! Download a limited version of Statlook „FREE4EDU” software and get our help with the implementation.
Get a FREE licence for LIMITED EDITION Statlook EDU software (up to 50 workstations)
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Make your course/training practicaland interesting
Get our full technical and conceptual support plus free training
Extend your curriculum, adding PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE on IT management
Educate your teachers, lecturers, coaches and trainers during our FREE WEBINARS on new technologies
Boost your competitiveness completely for free
Be the best candidate for work, having PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE on IT management
PRACTICAL SKILLS such as network administration, hardware and software management, helpdesk service will be your huge advantage
DLP, ITIL, ITAM, SAM, IT Audit, CMDB, and other modern IT issues, will be your daily bread
If your school/college/university does not participate in “Statlook for Edoocation” Program, let the decision-makers know it is great and free!
Statlook supports thousands of organizations in Poland and we wish to do the same in Romania.
We offer FREE licencesfor Rotary and all non-profit organizations supporting Rotary in Romania.
Any actions that involve computer networks performed by you or your partners - whether you wish to support local leaders to provide clean water, sanitation and hygiene, help to grow local economies, support education or erradicate Polio - will be supported by us by providing FREE Statlook licences and our help with implementation.
As Statlook helps to maximize the efficiency of any oragnization using computers, and at the same time helps to save money that can be spent to help people in need. We are positively sure that our system can help you achieve the goals that are important to all of us.
Furthermore we wish to support your own commercial organizations and private buisnesses with low cost but highest quality software we produce. We are willing to help as you, Rotarians, use your resources to achieve greater good.
Please contact our local supplier or us directly for further details or starting a new FREE Statook Rotarian Project .
Remote access software – known also as “remote assistance software” – is a solution allowing to connect with a computer from another location. Not only is one able to see the content of the remote desktop, but also it is possible to perform actions on it – as if it was a local unit.
The range of such system’s usual capabilities is vast and includes:
Accessing your computers from another locations or during a travel,
Performing administrative tasks,
Observing the actions undertaken on a different PCs,
Providing technical support to remote end-users.
Not every remote access software combine high efficiency of security precautions with a comfortable
interface. Provided both factors are implemented, regarded as a well-balanced option by experienced IT administrators.
Purchasing such a product requires a thorough planning regarding the features it ought to possess. The following list – based on authorial Direct PC module, being a part of statlook system – covers the most important features of a well-rounded, professional software.
Many computers. One remote control software
On IT administrators’ shoulders rests the responsibility of quick and coherent communication. To deal with this issue, an enterprise needs a program which allows to access a vast quantity of computers simultaneously.
A unique solution introduced by statlook – Company Online – allows to observe a multitude of computers at once, no matter where they are situated. Moreover, it is possible to group them accordingly to departments or location, dependently on your needs.
Improve your network’s security. Respect privacy
Internal or private data leakage create most critical situation possible for every company. Yet, it is possible to both prevent such set of circumstances by adjoining a remote desktop solution which does not jeopardize your workers’ privacy.
Statlook, offers three modes of a remote connection:
Sending through a system a request for permission, which may be both accepted or declined.
Sending to a user an information regarding the period after which the connection would be created so the user have time to arrange his files.
Silent preview mode – possible to implement provided the subordinates were informed and agreed to such a solution.
All the aforementioned features help to create an environment in which both the internal data and privacy are under constant protection.
Control the processes and registry. Keep your data secure
It does not matter, whether at home or in work, there may always appear a need to access the internal company data. Remote desktop software allows this kind of operation to be performed, yet it is crucial to provide this kind of data with a proper security.
Statlook provides its users with a possibility of safe and remote processes and registry management. This allows a user to implement the changes or have the insight on the necessary data in any moment, while keeping the whole database secure.
Aims of Remote Desktop Access
Reaching a company's inner data from another locations,
Handling a company's administration,
Providing enhanced employee activity control,
Servicing end-users from remote.
Benefits for IT Department
Easier access to end-users workstations
A possibility to act more efficiently in case an incident appears
Possibility to act even if end-user is not able to describe a problem
Benefits for Business
Efficient support equals better company's overall performance
Providing a possibility to support your clients from the office
Company's data accessible anytime, anywhere
Test our product for free!
The TRIAL version is fully functional for testing in your environment, and we will gladly help you with testing and implementation.
Every company or institution that vastly depends on computer and Internet usage demands a certain level of IT security. First and foremost you need to take care about malware, hacker attacks and data leakage. Most of the companies is aware of the importance of such precautions – especially due to the experience of IT administrators who recommend implementing a system to wide-angled IT resource management which includes a tool to control users’ activity on the Internet.
This includes information concerning: visited websites and domains and multimedia and software that was downloaded through this connection. Uncontrolled access to Internet puts the whole company into a danger, as the administrator is unable to quickly identify and eliminate the source of a problem.
Implementing an Internet surveillance system will facilitate the process of identifying a danger. Systems such as statlook not only enable you to currently monitor the actions of end-users – they also provide you with the option of blocking undesirable websites and files loaded on it, what will prevent any kind of dangerous situation.
2. Internet as a source of financial loss
During the course of work, the Internet ought to serve as a tool to perform daily duties. Using it for private purposes or for fun does not correspond with labour code. This phenomenon is known as cyberslacking and, unfortunately, appears worldwide.
This phenomenon applies to over 70% of all workers (according to the research performed in 2008 by Geminius company). 46% of the subjects declare that – apart from the breaks – they spend around half of hour while surfing on the Internet on a daily basis. It means that one worker spends around 10 hours monthly on activities that are not work-related. If we multiply this number by the number of workers within your facility, the result will appear to be alarming – especially while taking into consideration the fact that the statistics concern only the half of respondents.
Implementing a system designed to Internet control will limit the loses are caused by cyberslacking.
“The possibility of getting such data as register of visited websites, opened documents, launched applications and many other detailed pieces of data that concern the activites performed during the workcourse has a positive impact on workers”
– states the Head of IT Department of National Forest Holding "State Forests”, who remains to be our client.
The Internet is not only a useful tool to work – it is also a source of potential danger, usually caused unintentionally by the workers. The information about entering a dangerous website or downloading a program from an unknown source too often is delivered to the IT department after infecting the whole network. Media are overflowing with the news concerning data breaches caused by viruses downloaded from unchecked websites.
One of most famous cases concerning such an issue was Virut. At least three million of IP addresses worldwide were infected by a virus known as Virut – as described by the report published by CERT Polska team, which works within NASK Research Institute. The virus - which was spread through websites – was used to distribute spam, stealing data and perform attacks through DDoS.
To protect your company’s network from this kind of danger it is not enough to implement Internet monitoring. The key function of a complex, well-round system is to block websites and domains as well as access to multimedia on the level of the whole organization. Statlook system is equipped with such functionalities – you may block a certain web address both globally and locally. Preventing the danger costs less than dealing with consequences.
Monitoring suite is a part of statlook system – a complex tool to IT infrastructure management. To get more information it takes only to download a demo version or take part in a free webinar, during which the functionalities of our system are presented live.
Nowadays, each sector has to take into consideration a rapid development of IT industry – and this includes a banking sector. The computerization of financial service is beneficial for both business and consuments. It is worth to remember, though, that global computer use development may endanger your company.
Explore the secrets of Statlook
Explore the practical operation of Statlook and uplook systems with a completely free webinar. All you need is a chair, an Internet connection and a web browser.
The greatest dangers that banking industry has to encounter are hacker attacks and data leakage. They are usually a result of inefficient IT security procedures. Financial sector is especially difficult to work with, as it heavily relies on clients' trust.
IT infrastructure safer with GDPR
On May 2018 GDPR will be applied within the whole area of the European Union. This document contains a set of rules concerning how to process personal data. It is especially important in banking industry, as its major concern is to prevent data leakage and hacking.
Managing IT infrastructure in a bank cannot consist of loosely tied procedures – mainly because it creates a real threat to the stability of the whole IT environment. The key elements of creating an efficient set of rules are their consistency and completeness.
This is why IT administrators who take care of banking industry ought to invest in a complex IT management system that covers the issues concerning both network and end-users.
Software for banking industry
While choosing software to support banking industry, we need to inquire whether it has appropriate functions to support and secure IT infrastructure – as well as manage owned resources. It is especially important, as banking is an industry that heavily relies on clients’ trust.
Such a system enables you to manage three main fields of networks:
Resources – including both hardware and software,
Data concerning both workers and clients
Users and staff
How to manage IT in banks
A current inventory of software and hardware leads to efficient control over IT infrastructure. By doing so, you may rest assured that:
Each component is registered and used according to the company’s needs
Every piece of information concerning installing or deinstalling a program will be sent directly to you
Controlling used memory drivers – by granting authorizations to SSD cards, memory sticks or other media – will vastly minimize data leakage risk.
Software usage monitoring – by controlling how programs, applications and Internet are used during the course of work, an IT administrator can block most vital, dangerous websites and programs.
Statlook and IT asset management in banks
Statlook guarantees that your IT resources are safe and used according to their destination.
Its complexity allows you to take care about many tasks simultaneously – as such, you need only one program to manage the whole system.
Statlook operates on personal data management in accordance with the rules included in GDPR.
All the factors are the reason of statlook being frequently implemented in public interest entities which operate on data and finances – including banks.
Test our product for free!
The TRIAL version is fully functional for testing in your environment, and we will gladly help you with testing and implementation.
Controlling and assessing worktime is a law-regulated duty of every employer. Labour law is very strict in this matter – worktime registry is a basis to make financial statements and underlying accounts. It does not matter how many people work under us – worktime registry should be done before channeling wages.
Many companies does not respect that duty thoroughly, basing on an assumption that every worker respects the code of behaviour – thus, every worktime break or holiday is applied in oral or written form to supervisors. It appears, however, that this is not the best solution. The employees often forget to report pieces of data which are key for their employer.
The answer to that problem is to implement a coherent work surveillance. Below, you have listed several important aspects of worktime registry:
Maintaining the company’s worktime registry archive is a duty of every company. The time is established to be a three-year period – after this time, employee’s claims will be prescribed.
An employer who does not maintain a worktime registry breaks rights of his employees – it may result in imposing a very high fine on him.
The assess must be coherent – labour law recognizes falsification of worktime registry or an attestation of an untruth to be a crime punished with a prison sentence or a monetary fine.
Labour law does not describe the means of maintaining a worktime registry – it is plausible to maintain such a register virtually. It allows you to provide a more thorough monitoring and a current control over work performance.
In an inspector proves that a company failed to maintain a worktime registry by ceasing to do it at all, supplementing the data at the last moment or falsifying the information included – he may request for a referral of possible criminal offences.
A system to control worktime attendance
An appropriate solution to this issue would be implementing a tool to control the employees’ worktime performance. Such systems deliver a thorough information on an actual worktime activities, breaks, planned vacations and sick leaves. Moreover, workers have possibility of checking their own statistics and assessing their worktime on their own – including worktime schedule and actual work effectiveness.
Worktime registry should include the number of hours spent on work on a daily basis, which includes:
– Overtime payments
– Saturdays and Sundays
– Remaining public holidays
– Vacations
– Sick leaves
– On-call times
– Excused and non-excused absences
Employee monitoring in action
Statlook enables a worktime control by providing valuable information concerning used applications, websites, activities and worktime breaks.
Tools to control and assess worktime periods
Maintaining a registry can be done with IT tools in order to automat it. Because of its simplicity and highly advanced technological solutions, statlook enables administrators to easily, yet thoroughly check the software installed within a company.
Statlook is equipped with a unique technology of conclusive application detection. What makes it more interesting, it is not vulnerable to your employees’ ‘tricks’ who may try to hide illegal applications.
With only one tool a company’s owner may rest assured that he keeps everything in order. System assesses the course of work automatically – for each worker separately. The data are presented as coherent reports, which can be printed or saved in any format according to your needs.
Worktime assessment
The screen below presents an example of worktime assessment.
Maintaining a register on paper is uncomfortable and ineffective. To enhance this process, use tools designed to control and assess the worktime performance:
– receiving reports from a worker about tasks done during a day or week
– current worktime monitoring and control – especially valuable for an employer who is obliged to do it by law
– entering data concerning every worker – including positions, departments, the scope of responsibilities etc.
– checking data concerning the number of hours spent on work – statlook counts worktime periods from logging in to logging out
– preview on programs, applications and opened files used during the course of work
– Generating reports basing on personal worker cards – no need to input the data manually
Software asset management
Software registry is a key element of every professional software legal audit. It bases on creating a detailed set of data concerning software as well as controlling the course of installating programs on computers within the company’s network. Only by mainaining such a register and control will guarantee that you have a thorough knowledge about possessed software and will allow you to put them in order, get to know how many licenses you have and implement appropriate procedures concerning software management.
Scanning archival files
The mechanism of disc scanning is enriched by a function of scanning archival files. There will be no possibility of hiding anything – no matter if by changing the name of a file or compressing them within .zip or .rar format. It enhances the plausibility of maintaining the registry even more – thus, enables you to grasp full control over audit and your company’s security.
User activity monitoring
Apart from counting time of work and breaks, our system also monitors the activity of the workers who spend most of their time in front of computers. User acitivty monitoring is a part of system that enables a manager – or an owner of a company – to check what kind of applications, websites and files were used during work. This will allow you to appropriately assess the quality of their work. These data are gathered automatically – after logging in the agent sends all the necessary data on a server. Because of that, worktime control is much easier and more comfortable.
Test our product for free!
The TRIAL version is fully functional for testing in your environment, and we will gladly help you with testing and implementation.
In the age of digitalization, IT in education became a worldwide standard. This is why a purchase of an efficient IT management system is an investment – not an expense.
The role of Internet usage and computers in both education process and administration becomes more important. This includes:
* Electronic grade books and schedules,
* E-learning,
* Electronic register systems for both teachers and students.
This phenomenon makes the issue of efficient data management and security even more burning.
It is also important to implement user monitoring in order to ensure network security and data flow control – especially concerning areas exposed to a threat, like:
* Computer studies,
* Libraries with public access to computers and the Internet,
* Auditories
IT management and education
Managing IT infrastructure in education demands a vast effort from administrators.
Duties of an IT administrators include ensuring that each aspect of network efficiency. He is also responsible for the damage caused by the users, data breaches and illegal software – no matter who caused the issue.
This is why the administrators of educational institutions frequently choose systems which supports them and automate their tasks. Complex systems to manageIT networks are one of basic tools of their work. Yet, they should be adjusted to the needs of a company, public institution or educational organization.
Statlook - we serve education
Polish institutions most frequently rely on statlook systems – mostly because of its design, created from the scratch with utmost care for both legal demands and our clients’ needs.
Statlook system facilitates IT asset management with three suites:
Statlook Resources – software and hardware inventory,
Statlook Monitoring – user and Internet surveillance,
Statlook Helpdesk – delivering a quick and efficient access to other computers in case an IT incident appears.
Each suite can be configured and joined together according to the needs of an educational facility. Yet, in order to fully control IT infrastructure, it is worth to consider a full suite of the functionalities – a complex statlook system which includes all three suites.
Test our product for free!
The TRIAL version is fully functional for testing in your environment, and we will gladly help you with testing and implementation.
Hardware and software inventory is automated – it takes only to remotely install agents on each workstation to gather data about every electronic device that is connected to the network. The data are presented as coherent reports, which can be saved in any format and print, if the situation demands it.
Legality issue looks likewise – it takes only to request a scan of computers to gather data concerning types and number of installed licenses – both commercial and freeware – and educational versions of them. Every function of the system are accessible from the level of Master console.
Monitoring offered by statlook system serves as means of controlling end-users behaviour. The data gathered on an ongoing basis give administrators such pieces of information as:
* Who installed a program and on which workstation,
* Which files and multimedia were downloaded,
* Which websites and domains were visited,
* Which applications were used?
* How much time was spent on a given activity?
This functionality has a key value for IT in education – especially concerning the fact that apart from gaining login reports, an administrator may block access to dangerous or undesirable websites, domains and applications.
This also includes external memory drives – the usage of unauthorized devices also can be blocked or limited to read-only or saving and reading.
This functionality has a key value for IT in education – especially concerning the fact that apart from gaining login reports, an administrator may block access to dangerous or undesirable websites, domains and applications.
This also includes external memory drives – the usage of unauthorized devices also can be blocked or limited to read-only or saving and reading.
Public administration nowadays becomes more and more reliant on IT-based solutions. It results in technology becoming necessary in an increasing number of branches – including IT infrastructure. What is more, with GDPR entering into force in May 2018, every company that works within the territorry of the European Union will have to carry out new responsibilites.
What are the responsibilities of an IT administrator?
Modern technologies enhance the fluidity of work within public administration. Because of that, they become a must in an ever-growing, modern society.
Such a facility – as a subject of public confidence – must protect its IT network infrastructure due to responsibilities it is obliged to follow.
There are several standards public administration-related facility ought to follow. It includes:
Personal data security
Quick and efficient work with a wide range of information
Clear and coherent communication between departments
All these qualities can be checked and measured with a professional IT management system. Because of that, we would like to offer you software which answers your needs.
Explore the secrets of Statlook
Explore the practical operation of Statlook and uplook systems with a completely free webinar. All you need is a chair, an Internet connection and a web browser.
User monitoring is an absolute must in every kind of public institution. This kind of surveillance prevents your network from being infected by malware and viruses that would be downloaded from unknown Internet websites.
With a professional IT management solution you can block websites, applications and programs according to your need. Statlook helps you to prevent your facility both from financial loses and legal consequences of jeopardizing your data security.
Helpdesk and remote desktop for public administration
Efficient work of administration is highly dependant on the condition of your IT infrastructure. Good management and ongoing problem solving is a key to keep everyone's work current.
A well-functioning Helpdesk and remote desktop system integrated into your IT management software is key to provide your workers with necessary support. No matter, how many workers are in IT support department – communication and good problem management will always help you to solve every trouble.
Statlook has all these functionalities. They are integrated into one intuitive interface – in order to make you react even quicker.
IT management system in a public facility
IT solutions ought to support everyday tasks of institution of public trust. As a first step to create a balanced organization, they should be considered as a key investment which should be thought over carefully.
Be cautious – your company's public image is at stake. Because of that, let's consider which functionalities are most important for such a system
IT Asset Management software – what to choose?
Software and hardware inventory
With this solution, you can efficiently gather information about all IT resources your company owns. It becomes especially easy if such a system can create data record cards. Each change is registered as alerts - also sent via e-mail.
License compliance
Such module is necessary to check the legality of software owned by the company. It results in safer network and company being able to work in accordance with the law.
Software legality audit
Analyze your software, put the licenses in order and implement procedures necessary to enhance the work of administration. The program should detect every attempt of unauthorized installation.
Computer monitoring
This module should consist of information about used equipment, launched programs and applications as well as visited websites. This range of data enables you to assess the productivity of your workers.
Professional helpdesk and remote desktop
How to speed up IT support in your company? Use software that provides you with current notification registry, ticketing system and remote connection with several computers at once. All the solutions put together create a tool that makes your work easy – and your end-users satisfied with quick servicing.
External memory drives monitoring
USB drives, SDD discs and memory cards ought to be controlled in order to prevent key data leakage. It is a component of fully-functional system that enhances security of every kind of company.
Printer monitoring
Curious to know how your company's equipment is used by the workers? Worried about your data safety? Fear no more – purchase a system which monitors the printing process, including the number of copies, the colour of a printout, its quality as well as who did the printing.
Blocking websites
There is always a risk that one of your workers will unintentionally infect your network with a virus from a suspicious website or download. But you can reduce this threat by simply blocking the content.
All the aforementioned functions are provided by statlook system. Consisting of three main modules – Resource, Monitoring and Helpdesk – it is a software that enhances your company's security and overall performance. Each module is available to buy separately - just according to your needs.
Are you interested in checking out its functionalities? Download a free demo version, and become a part of our experience in creating a well-rounded, professional program that will provide every company with wide range of options.
Digitalization of health care is a very important issue – especially concerning IT asset management. This process took place long ago – yet because of technical skills and coordination demanded both from IT administration and the personnel, this topic is currently problematic.
This also touches upon the issue of providing a proper level of information security. According to the survey from 2013, approximately one-third of patients were concerned with this aspect of data management; what is more, a survey from 2017 prepared by IBM and Ponemon Institute proved that health-care data breach is the second highest category of threat.
This is why facilities such as hospitals or clinics demand a vast amount of our attention.
IT infrastructure in hospitals managed properly
Every administrator is aware of the fact that in order to manage IT resources efficiently, it is a key issue to keep hardware and software functional – and every piece of data properly secured. Thus, choosing a system to support administrator’s work should be carefully thought over.
Moreover, it should be remembered that not only does the security play a key value in the case of health-care digitalization – the stability of implemented solutions plays equally important role.
Hospitals and IT asset management
Healthcare demands a complex IT infrastructure management system. It is worth of investing in one, well-rounded program to keep work coherent and efficient.
Statlook equips IT departments with most essential tools:
· Software and hardware inventory,
· Gathering data concerning equipment, license compliance, IT incidents and their history
· Software licensing audit
· Data breach protection
User control and data leakage security
Uncontrolled data flow may lead to their leakage. Such data as the health condition of the patients are considered to be sensitive data, thus this kind of breach is very dangerous – both for them and you, considering legal consequences.
· Ensuring data security is possible to statlook, due to numerous functionalities it is equipped with:
· Internet Control and function of blocking undesirable websites
· Blocking external memory drivers, including memory sticks, SSD cards and removable drives
Helpdesk for healthcare
Statlook Helpdesk suite enables you to remotely connect other computers. It takes only an end-user to report a problem with a piece of equipment or a program via mail or our desktop application. The system creates a ticket which can be ascribed to a person responsible for solving the issue and – if such a necessity appears – request a remote connection. The latter allows an administrator to solve the problem by operating on files or a registry, install or uninstall programs or simply diagnose why the device works improperly.
IT optimisation in hospitals
All the aforementioned functions are only a part of most vital functions of statlook. As you can see, they play a crucial role in IT management – especially considering IT infrastructure in health-care facilities. The system was made from scratch basing on the demands of public trust institutions – so, it is suitable to their characteristics concerning technical condition and legal norms in the EU.
Our technical support is provided by experienced programmers and technicians. We do realize that stability is vastly important in health-care environment. Statlook is a perfect tool to digitalize healthcare.
Test our product for free!
The TRIAL version is fully functional for testing in your environment, and we will gladly help you with testing and implementation. S.A.
We have English speaking Sales & Tech teams, as well as native speakers, in each location. Headquarters: 1/15 Szymanowskiego, 30-047 Krakow, Poland
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