Monitor displaying Facebook log-in site

Internet monitoring in work is considered to be one of most important aspects of IT infrastructure management. It is not easy to find an optimal solution, though – not every Internet surveillance system both corresponds with law and remains effective. As statlook is one of most frequently chosen tools in its category, let’s focus on what makes it such a valuable asset.

Websites under control

The screen displayed below shows an example of a report of most frequently visited websites. As you may see, the function of monitoring in statlook does not allow to preview the content of mails, chats or internet websites. Within the report you may only see the headers of websites and portals visited by the users as well as the time spent on it.

Because of that the worker may rest assured that his private data are secured, and the employer can assess the usage of company’s computers using the data gathered within such a report. The time spent on sites and portals will allow you to see if the Internet was used to work or rather to entertain.

System designed to monitor visited websites

Internet surveillance is one of many functions included within statlook system. Apart from that, statlook enables you to block domains or websites which may be considered to be dangerous (so such ones which may contain viruses) or being a source of cyberslacking (such as social media). Not only will you be able to control if the workers use the Internet according to the code of work, but also you will avoid dangerous incidents. Certain domains and sites might be blocked for individual users or for all organizations.

If workers – in order to handle their duties – need to have access to websites which contain undesirable elements or multimedia, statlook allows you to block their certain ingredients. Because of that, the worker can see the content of such sites without possibility of playing or downloading films, music or software.

Such a solution can be considered as optimal in case if the employee need to use services that are important to his performance – yet might appear to be dangerous for the whole network.

Our clients believe that statlook is a tool well-suited to their demands. They highlight such characteristics as intuitive interface, quick installation and configuration, accordance to current law and possibility of suiting the process of configuration according to a company’s or facility’s individual demands. The tests performed by journalists from a Polish monthly journal IT Professional resulted in statlook gaining a score of 9/10 (the article published in 09/2014 issue). In 2016, statlook was nominated by its readers to be „a product of a year”.

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